This is the sequel of Wong Kar Wai's In the Mood for Love, another masterpiece. I watched it yesterday and i cant get it out of my mind. the same happens when i watch in the mood for love over and over.
both movies are set in the sixties, between hongkong and singapore. the colors are magnificent, but mostly the music, violin. sad violin. it takes you away to a world of..."slow motion", raw emotion and nothing else.
we live our days hoping to forget them, and at night they creep in with no intention to leave. memories.
"Behind every memory, there are traces of tears"
2046 is the room number where they used to meet. then she left.
He is a writer. now 2046 is the title of a book. In his book, a mysterious train left for 2046 every once in a while. so many women want to be with him. he makes love to them.
"I once fell in love with someone. I couldn't stop wondering if she loved me back. I found an android which looked just like her. I hoped she would give me the answer"
very cool futuristic scenes here.. the women/"androids" are just gorgeous.
and the violin.
listen to it. see it.
Hi Laila. You made me want to watch the movie. Is it on DVD? Thanks for stopping by and do come back again.
I don't know.. I liked in the mood for love more. 2046 is a tad too ambitious, and it sometimes feels pretentious. All those quotes about memory and forgetting and time... And it's really too hyperactive: 10 slow-motion scenes instead of one, 100 colors instead of 10, five gorgeous women instead of one...
Have you seen Days of Being Wild? I think that's his best movie ever.
no i havent, but i'll make sure i will soon!
And I still haven't seen it.. what the hell is wrong with me..
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