perfect sunset
I took this picture 2 years ago when i was back home for a summer break. i didn't really appreciate the moment until it was lost. i never thought about driving up to ehden and actually "wasting" a few hours (could have talked, ate, studied, slept instead!) to watch the sunset when it was an hour away from my place..but isn't it just majestic?
why do we keep on forgetting to savor the moments? why is it that we choose to believe that we will be around forever..why is it so hard to say those words I always wanted to say but just couldn't, to finally apologize for the pain, to finally talk about the huge pink elephant that is standing in the middle of the room? is it because we think well, i'll do it next it the pain of confrontation, humiliation, discomfort?
i think that happiness is a moment that passes by in a blink of an eye, i know because i've felt it, and before you realize what just happened it's already just keep your eyes open, and let's enjoy the sunset while it lasts.

dear kantaro,
i agree with you in all except that happiness is like any other moment of our lives, it's beyond comparison! when ur sad or angry or hungry or jealous,ur stuck there for a while. and when you look back to remember how it felt, you kind of have an idea. but let me ask you, when was the last time you felt complete perfect happniss, your mind was so happy and there were no worries or other thoughts and feelings around. ..nothing but that feeling of flying (no, you can't include smoking pot). it is just impossible for this feeling to last more than a moment, as soon as that moment passes, ur back to reality, ur body experiences, ur surroundings and their needs.
at least that's what i think.
nice of u to visit.
yes... let's..
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