
yey! just submitted my paper-AGAIN.
you know how you start laughing uncontrollably sometimes?
a little giggle at first.
another two- heheheeeeee
then you cant stay standing and ur holding urself in pain?
that's me today.
so annoyingly happy (happy people annoy me usually, and i'm gonna be one of them- just for today, at least till it gets rejected-AGAIN)
nshalla always happy
HAHAHA. She still get her laughing fits!
and your picture is so... funny..
Good luck for the paper (I know how to do voodoo on editors now, could teach you if needed).
Can you do voodoo on jerk advisors?
Congrats on the paper!
Your picture really looks like you're looking at yourself through the teary eyes of unstopable laughter...
picture very cuuuute! looks (in a good way) like pierrot gourmand. i'm coming back but am stuck in hospital with a staff that won't shut up
LC, i heard if your advisor died, you would automatically graduate.. a freak accident maybe :)
I'm defending on wednesday, I don't want him to die, I want him to publish the four papers sitting on his desk for the past 3 years =P
Layyoulll I miss you :(
happinessss it is today...
I am happy tooooooooo then
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