written by "anonymous"..

Memories of happiness…
I found looking into childish eyes
that danced with laughter
Smiling lips that shared happiness and joy
A life ahead a sad guy sat,
across this smile caught by his eyes.
Her hand on his face,
the touch of a gentle loving heart,
caring in an honest way.
A brilliant grown up mind
but still within the playful child
Touching memories that will long linger,
like collected dreams in a scrapbook, for me to carry
traces of your being on a road which is long and
became narrow so only one must walk alone.
Not knowing where this trail will lead.
Was it you who smiled at me ?
I found looking into childish eyes
that danced with laughter
Smiling lips that shared happiness and joy
A life ahead a sad guy sat,
across this smile caught by his eyes.
Her hand on his face,
the touch of a gentle loving heart,
caring in an honest way.
A brilliant grown up mind
but still within the playful child
Touching memories that will long linger,
like collected dreams in a scrapbook, for me to carry
traces of your being on a road which is long and
became narrow so only one must walk alone.
Not knowing where this trail will lead.
Was it you who smiled at me ?
a road which is long and
became narrow so only one must walk alone
a road that we paved with our passions, heartaches, all that we have and all that we are. it becomes too precious to share and too predetermined to deviate and meet someone halfway. "touching memories" is all we have left..they stay to remind us of what we willingly gave up..
After a marauding storm the ocean always rests. Exhaustion is a way for your soul to tell you that it now also needs rest. Restlessness, misery, despair, they're all self inflicted, but they may serve well in healing the soul. As someone once said, it's kind of like a burning potion, given to you by the Unknown in a cup made of clay that He moistened with His own tears.
you changed the format...why...you can't do this to me...
You switched to my format, now confused my routine.
you know, a girl needs a new outfit from time to time..and i'm into black today :)
you're in blue today!
I love the blue...blue is my favorite color :)
And again, cool poetry!
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