my psycho adorable bestest friend (numero dos)

rouba is a 'cutie'
but she hates that word
and when she's not 'on duty'
she's a really cool nerd
she lives in iowa city
so you must understand
that she calls it iowa "shitty"
and reflects from "farmland"
she's my other best friend
and i love her so
cool tops she used to lend
and off we used to go
pacifico and bliss house
for drinks and a philly
then back chez nous at west house
cracking up and acting silly
rouba is her name
and trivial pursuit is her game
she used to kick my ass
you'll find me crying on the grass!
good old great times
i will always remember
and i bet my 10 dimes
we'll have more in september!
Kil sa7betik hek 7ilwin?
and please lose the word verification!
That is adorable!
Thank you for putting me number one :)
number one is ghada..
i wonder what my number is :)
very cute picture rouba.
i was checking leila's blog and i got rouba's picture in my face!
i was confused for a couple of seconds there!
rouba, is that good or bad?!
LC, yup!
ghassan, wrong again.
mirvat, ur next in line :)
paul,you must have been "pleasantly" surprised?
kantaro, thanks but ewww!
i'm amazed by your poetic and photoCHOP skills! Really! and i hate to say it but the whole thing is kinda cute and flattering (modestly speaking). i agree with your bro, you're the best!
I... also... agree...
You... Laila... are the best!
there I said it ok?
shish... another familiar face!
do you all know eachother?
aub-mc/conference room overnights/labneh w na3na3 at the cafeteria/lost on 5 south/ordering blisshouse chocolat moux from the ER/fighting with the radiology clerks-i'm sure our paths crossed in one of the above scenarios...
breakfast at the cafeteria, of course... ahh the good ol' days.. what was it that you couldn't find on my tray? nothing!
I clearly remember you now rouba. I was an intern when you were a med4.
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