I LOVE sundays :)

just got back from hat-shopping and coffee drinking with g.
who said Sundays were boring?!
here's a passage i was just reading and loved:
" you say to me: 'Life is hard to bear'..but do not pretend to be so sensitive! We are all of us pretty sturdy asses and she-asses..
what do we have in common with the rosebud, which trembles because a drop of dew lies on its body?
It is true: we love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving.
And even to me, as one who is fond of life, it seems that butterflies and soap-bubbles, and whatever is like them among humans, know the most about happiness.
I should only believe in a God who knew how to dance.."
F. Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
man, Nietzsche is cool!
you bitches :)
i'm so jealous..
i should be in the picture too. and i miss ghada so much.
looking good as usual girls.
did you actually buy those hats?
and laila, a bit bipolar today?
Hahaha... very well put!
mirvat, we did buy them..and i love all my personalities, they keep me busy! it would have been nice if you were there too, you know, LaMiGa revisited!
lamiga, quien es?
i know. power to the lamiga.
don't tell gus what that is. or anyone ever for that matter. too embarassing!!!
oh my god you girls look so hot!! take a detour to Detroit will ya?
and I'm glad your enjoying my good friend Zarathustra!
Laila, you actually read 'Thus Spake Zarathustra'. I'm impressed. I have the book for years and can't get myself to read it. it's rather too mainstream philo for my taste I guess.
gus, i'm not finished yet, but you should read it anyway, it's a classic. it's even nietzsche's favorite!
Gus, how's Nietzsche mainstream philosophy?
I could image it's his favorite, yes.
I didn't mean mainstream, more than classical like Laila said.
Honestly I read for entertainment, in fact this is my main pass time every day. I don't think Nietzsche is entertaining, don't you agree?
that's what i thought, till i started reading this..he's cynic, sarcastic, intense, logical, arrogant, and brilliant..all wrapped in one. he really tries to translate his idea of living a meaningful life in a seemingly meaningless world by addressing your brain and common sense, without referring to cliches and the divine and rules and regulations. in fact, he hates rules and the people who follow them.
well, Nietzsche didn't write novels, and as such I don't think he planned on being entertaining in the regular sense. He's a philosopher, and we're used to reading about the interpretation of the philosophy of philosophers, and not reading their original work. So you are right, most original philosophy texts are not really entertaining unless you are in that mood. The only reason for my comment was that when you have a whole line of thinking credited to your work as in Nietzsche's case, you oughtta have some originality :)
Laila have you ever read any Chomsky? He's a self proclaimed anarchist, in the literary sense, not the pop-culture sense. And he's awesome!
no,I've heard of him.It's more political, he's more into government criticism and reform, no? I have a feeling he's "not my type"..knowing me,what do you think, will i enjoy him?
it's more political/activism/government awareness/human rights stuff, so maybe not =P
Guys, have you read Jean Genet? L and C, you'd enjoy him... mostly anarchist. Laila I could lend you some when you come to visit...
When are you by the way?
I know of him but never read him. OMG there's so much to read!!!
i can't remember my Nietzche it's been so long since CS 203 but i do know that at the time,for me, he was the most original philosopher of them all; but Chomsky, i love reading him and i love the fact that he's alive while i'm reading him!
have any of you read Wittgenstein?
laila it's turning into philo forum (and btw u and g look tanned i'm jealous)
CS 203. Rizallah! you brought back memories rouba.
bornedal if i remember correctly, and i was the only one who found him sexy because he wore some weird silver pendant hihihi!
i was in love with red-haired Furgeson,he was my CS 203 teacher..
anyway, i googled Wittgenstein, I think I'll read him soon..
u're awake you b...
y did u not call moi?
and ferguson was MINE! bornedal was sexy but ferguson of the red(orange) hair deserved a front row seat in the crappy nicely class
ferguson was ugly you guys..what are you talking about. i had the hots for salameh (yes salameh), from organic chemistry
also what was the name of the cs 201 guy. the old guy who would give the good grades for girls in the class?
and why is everybody still awake?
tab yalla guys sakkarna.
we're open again tomorrow at 9.
Najjar, and you were in LUV with him!
Rouba, nice assessment of CS profs!
yes najjar. thank you.
A demain les enfants
my laBtop (gus as u put it) is SCREAMING because it's too old for such blogxitement! so till we meet again for the next blogathon (and pcvmb ie please come visit my blog!)
If you haven't gone through the Sameera Khoury CS experience at AUB, then you have literally missed out on experiencing a hybrid approach to education: history + insanity = something
Nietzche rocks. He's the inspiration behind many of the artists I listen to, especially Tool.
oh my god. yes samira khoury. i was struggling to remember her name. she used to take her shoes off in class and start caressing her feet or something.. she was insane :) those classes were hilarious.
Laila. your blog is the shit yo...
What the heck is CS? and why is everyone going to sleep? it's 1:40!
LC ..so funny
CS is civilization sequence courses back at aub..
talk about familiar faces...
l or g?..we must have crossed paths..
Both! maybe a little more g than l, but definitely both..
probably, cos both of us used to have a crush on you and used to follow you around :)
*blush* :)
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