mi casa, donde estas?

I left my home. found a new one. now I'm moving on to another.
i'm confused. where's home? i mean what (or who?) defines home anyway? I dont even know where I'll be in 3 years. So Lebanon was and still is home, and Montreal does feel like home too, and now Boston will probably feel like one...is this normal?
and the thing is, I really dont mind that at all, in fact I cringe at the idea of finally having to settle in one place..for good? very scary. i dont think i can do that. how gloomy is that?
so why do I keep longing for home then?
I love this house, one of my favorite memories of Cuba
doesn't it just feel like home?
wow my 2nd post was about that remember?
my blog has evaporated!
no i dont, and yes it did!
it's BACK!!!
we live in times of such enormous flexibility and transition... it should have a name perhaps, all this uprooting and change, transiency; it's so easy to grow accustomed to wanting something new and different, losing the sense of any particular home. i long for a home base, but even as i start wanting to collect possessions, establish a residence, i imagine carrying my (as yet unborn!) children in slings across the Amazon... it's such an odd paradox!
Laila, I completely identify with what you're saying! I don't know where home is either so I call myself "a citizen of the world".
I always thought the UAE was home because I grew up here almost all my life and my family lives here....but after a 10-year absence, I have yet to feel like this is "home".
I agree with fz about flexibility, and I am sure after the second time you make a big move, like the one you're about to do, you'll stop wondering where is home. home becomes exactly where you live right that moment. now I say to my friends, I want to go home, and when they ask "Beirut? NY?", to my surprise I say "why, no, Fenway!".. and it's true. when you move so many times, you "belong" much faster.
My home is where da ladies are! Yarrrrrrr!!!!
When I set foot in Beirut 2 years ago I knew wihtout a doubt it was home, even though I had never lived in it before.
home is what i make.. my dishes, cats, corners, wall paint, the hundred little details that come together in a house, a city and a street that become familiar to me in a unique way. that evokes emotions no one else feels. like fz said this process of familiarizing becomes faster as we move more often and we become good at belonging and adapting. i moved to a new apartment and after being done with the furniture it was an exact replica of the first without even planning it. i guess it was my vision of home that i'm taking with me wherever i go.
i keep changing houses and countries, but their's no place like Home, sweet Home, Lebanon
I think that if you move from one country to another as an adult, even though that move is by choice, you will always feel a pull between the two (or three!) countries. They will both (all) feel like home, but you will always harbor yearning for one when you are in the other.
My daily prayer is: Lord help me florish, find life and bring life to wherever I fall.
I'm always home. Especially internally. I'm a Jesuit. I never live in one place for a long time. I lived in Lebanon, several places in Canada, several places in the States and I'm always on the move, but I'm always home.
Your home is your heart dear Laila. Follow your heart.
u were in Cuba? wow! that's cool...will love to visit Havana one day..smoking cigar and lots of salsa..lol
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
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