Sunday, March 18, 2007

queen of the kitchen

I woke up this morning to too much bitterness. yesterday was beautiful and so naturally today's bitter. i decided against going to work. i've learned not to start experiments when mad. they tend to sense it and end up being bitchy and uncooperative. and then i become aggressive and then hell breaks loose.

i needed positive energy. basil. there is nothing more calming than the smell of fresh basil. well there is. but today i had a basil fixation. so i got two tiny plants, you know, the ones they have at the supermarkets. and i made pesto. now i have witnesses to what i am about to say. you will never- and i mean never- taste more orgasmic pesto than the one i made today.


Blogger _z. said...

ookay... if you say so!

10:34 AM  
Blogger Ghassan said...

In deed... multo orgasmico :)

5:19 PM  

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