time to stop the blaming game.
time to open our eyes and realize that we are being burnt,
massacred, and punished WRONGLY AND UNJUSTLY.
Spare me the who-started-what bullshit. everyone knows it was an act of war from HA. actually the HA-Syrian-Iranian trio. now if we already know that then we must realize that if Israel wants to get rid of HA's sugar-daddy it should look elsewhere.
Every single one of you, no matter where you're from, somewhere deep in your soul must realize that this massive pounding terrorizing murderous Israeli rage is in no way self-defense, nor an attempt to get the two soldiers back. Is it an attempt to disarm HA? Jeez, I didn't realize that this can be accomplished by slaying little kids as you see in the horror below. look well at this picture. are we proud now?? no?? because Olmert is. Olmert feels so great now that he has succeeded in murdering "potential terrorist" children and breaking hundreds of homes (so far). and he is really getting a kick out of destroying all exit highways that a few civilians might think of taking in attempt to save their families from his bombs or from dying of hunger. what is the message he is trying to send exactly? and as
Rouba and
Mirvat mentioned, how many more extremists will be bred after those terrible acts?
so for now, let us stand united. for Beirut. for Baalbeck. for the mountains. for the sea. Jnoubna. Byblos. Tripoli. For Lebanon. For every grain of land those monsters are destroying. We are children of war. You cannot break us. You WILL NOT break us.
You are invited to join the thousands of Lebanese in Paris who will sit in to say no to the war. If you oppose this war, let your voice be heard.
Location: La Place des droits de l'homme, Trocadero Paris
Date and Time: Saturday, July 15, 15:00h (3:00 p.m) local time.
I have also been informed that there will be sit-in in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Location: Just outside the Lebanese Consulate, Bur-Dubai
Date and Time: Saturday, July 15, 18:00 h (6:00 pm) local time.
and the US
July 18 - Washington DC : Peaceful Rally to Protest Ongoing attacks on LEBANON.
WHAT: Peaceful Rally to Protest Ongoing Israeli Violence in LebanonPlease note: the rally is held to condemn the aggression against Lebanon and GazaWHEN: Tuesday July 18, 2006 from 5-7pm
WHERE: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW --in front of the White House Take Metro to McPherson SquareLebanese in Washington are having a rally this Tuesday to condemn the resent attacks on Lebanon. We will be joining ADC in front of the White House - We will have the media and also a large number of supporters.
We have 300 Lebanese Flags and we need you to help raise them and condemn the barbaric Israeli attacks. Please bring your own Lebanese flags if you have them.
If you have a website or a blog, please pass the message along.
If you really want to stand united with Hezbollah -- as your post suggests -- then you are getting exactly what you deserve, aren't you?
They want war with Israel. Do you?
anon, israel is destroying my people. my land. my home. i'd rather stand with the devil now rather than its government.
Anonymous we are at war with Israel since 1948, (in case you missed the memo!)
can you add this to the list please
Tuesday July 18 - Washington DC: Lebanese Rally to Protest Ongoing attacks on LEBANON
July 18 - Washington DC : Peaceful Rally to Protest Ongoing attacks on LEBANON.
WHAT: Peaceful Rally to Protest Ongoing Israeli Violence in LebanonPlease note: the rally is held to condemn the aggression against Lebanon and GazaWHEN: Tuesday July 18, 2006 from 5-7pm
WHERE: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW --in front of the White House Take Metro to McPherson SquareLebanese in Washington are having a rally this Tuesday to condemn the resent attacks on Lebanon. We will be joining ADC in front of the White House - We will have the media and also a large number of supporters.
We have 300 Lebanese Flags and we need you to help raise them and condemn the barbaric Israeli attacks. Please bring your own Lebanese flags if you have them.
thank you for writing this. yes we all want peace. we we want a cease fire. but we won't be humiliated. not after what we already have been through now.
and gus, don't waste your breath on those comments.
We don't want war with anyone. We are under attack. 100 INNOCENT CIVILIANS are dead. Our infrastructure (that belongs to the PEOPLE OF LEBANON) has been destroyed. HUNDREDS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANTS are wounded.
We will NEVER be brought to our knees. This is not support for Hizbullah you moron. This is support for our Flag. Our Nation. Our People. Our history. Our dignity.
Anonymous, Go and see the photos of the children Killed by the Fucking Israel in Marwa7een. Go to hell You and ISrael.
He cried in deed
He cried in deed...
From a totally outside perspective:
Israel has watched carefully the highly successful US Military tactics in GWI and GWII. These entailed "shock and awe" bombing operations for weeks to soften enemy positions and morale. Night after night of massive bombing even if not successful in producing massive fatalities (although it can do this as well) creates a torture chamber effect - constant sleep deprivation and anxiety, lack of basic supplies like fuel and food and not knowing when more food is coming, lack of news and information about overall war causes the enemy to assume the worst, panic, be incredibly demoralized.
In this way, when the ground troops finally roll in, the operation is made much easier by clueless enemy soldiers waving white flags immediately and civilians just glad that nightly bombardment will stop. I know, Lebanon is "strong" from civil war, but you have not been put in Saddam's Iraqis' position until now, and Iraq had a much more significant army than Leb, even after US victory in GW1.
So Israel will 'shock+awe' bomb you for 3-4 weeks, then enter with ground troops, establish a 20k buffer zone at its Northern border, and invite the UN to come in and police the buffer zone so they can pull back again. All the while they will attract some HezbAllah suicide attacks and kill some civilians because of collateral damage and the HA's human shield tactics.
Once Israel pulls back to its pre-July 12th border, Lebanon will be in total disarray, Israel will have a UN buffer, and Syria will step strongly back into the power vacuum in Beirut.
Sorry to have to explain this to you - if you have means of leaving, you should leave. Nothing good can come of this for liberal Lebanese because your delicate political structure will never be able to dmpower the post-modern ethical liberals to disgorge the 6th century theocratic Nietschean masochists of Hizb'Allah and their angry, emotionally scarred palestinian allies. You are the weaker side in your internal assymetric cold war - accept it or get out now.
I assume your internet and power will not last much longer (again, Israeli strategy learned from watching USA smash Iraq twice) so please read this post now and remember it for when this all comes to pass over the next 6 weeks.
I feel very sorry for you, and I wish the best of luck to you, liberal english speaking amis en liban.
cool headed strategy,
thanks for your comment. it's rather "refreshing" i must say. you are probably right regarding the Israeli tactics, but one thing we know for sure: Syria will never NEVER return to Lebanon. We have paid a high enough price to see them leave. In fact, I wonder if we will come out of this more united. who knows. we're full of surprises and we dont give up very easily.
we have fallen before but we always stand up. and rebuild. its in our blood. and this time is no different.
Syria will never NEVER return to Lebanon. We have paid a high enough price to see them leave. In fact, I wonder if we will come out of this more united.
In my humble (but educated) opinion:
There are 2 possible outcomes in this regard.
1. The HA propaganda will try to convince one or two major Lebanese factions of the reckless fantasy that by uniting with them, you can militarily stifle the israeli DF. This will give Israel hard targets and ultimately mean total destruction of Lebanon and also of the HA. The HA's military effectiveness as an internal "mafia enforcer" will be diminished and their credibility will be ruined which in turn will prevent a re-assumption of de facto power by Syria. The remaining factions will be left to pick up the pieces, but truly the country will be in a shambles. Many more Lebanese will be in Geneva or New York (or if they are smart, L.A.) and Lebanon won't be worth going back to until perhaps their children visit it as foreign tourists.
2. HA will have to go alone against Israel. But HA is not a real army with fixed positions and uniforms. As wiley as the israelis are, picking out a militant member of HA from an ordinary young Lebanese is like trying to figure out which Chinaman prefers chicken or beef just by looking at him. Just like Syria is willing to fight Israel to the last Lebanese, HA is only willing to fight Israel in direct ground combat to the last marronite, druze or member of Aoun's party. When the Israeli tanks roll in, HA will have scattered to the North to hide in civilian clothing and surroundings. After israel creates its security buffer zone and calls a cease fire, HA will not only resume mischief making in the South, it will be the only standing military power in a destroyed country, using its traditional 'terror' tactics to subjugate as much of the remaining population as possible. Effectively it becomes like the Taliban in Afghanistan after the Soviets stood down. It was the only group able to make order by being organized, using subrosa religious sentiments and terrorizing anyone who doesn't go along. Just as the Taliban were sponsored by Pakistan, the post war HA is a fully sponsored proxy of Iran/Syria. Same logic of the Pakistanis - install a group that protects your strategic interest, even if it brutally subjugates the locals. Of course, you will achieve national unity through this, but you won't want to be part of this nation.
I've read a lot of the boards today, and many of the comments say: why don't the Lebs just kick out the HA? This would solve the problem, wouldn't it?
Out of context, these commenters don't understand that kicking out the HA would be like making all the Mormons leave America, or uprooting the Pakistanis from the UK. For you Israelis, this is just like the crackpots who think somehow all the Jews after 80 years can now just be picked up and removed from Israel.
Given its unusual demographics for a mid-east country, Lebanon is a perfect microcosm of what is happening all over the world today.
HA, your local representative of Islamist Fascism, is with you to stay and until all of Islam is reformed (whether in the so called 'war on "terror"' or evolving over 1000 years like christianity), Lebanon is destined to be either an Islamic country or one ruined by another great war between modernity and 7th century Islam if enough Lebs are emotionally prepared for another civil war.
Not to be blithe, but this makes me want to use on of these.
We muslims must unite together. We still should still bomb Denmark and Norway for the cartoons they were beyond insulting.
Death to America.
Sorry - I forgot to mention one abjectly "long shot" option.
The other arab nations which are at odds with Israel make them an offer sooooo good that they are willing to deal. For example, in exchange for cease fire and 'prisoner exchange' and other none-sense to help crazies in HA and Hamas save precious "face," Emirates, Saudi, Kuwait, et.al. officially recognize Israel, agree to open trade and full diplomatic relations.
That would be a true Realpolitik offer. The gulf arabs would spend a ton of political capital, but in return they would have saved Lebanon (a big political coup for them) and the positive impact of trade, tourism and the all important peace-dividends. Israel gets major long denied concessions and would probably be willing to come to the table for this.
See, I can be a dreamer too.
anon, keep your pathetic death threats away from this blog. you are not welcome here.
jeroboam, great link
cold strategy, let's see. for now, my thoughts are with my people and country and i will hope for the best.
Indeed, united we stand and we will never kneel. Peace and justice will triumph. Lebanon is here to stay you will not succeed in destroying us. As a phoenix we will resuscitate from our own ashes. We always have, we always will.
Other peaceful world wide rallys organized:
UK / London - St. Margaret Street, Parliament Square, London, SUNDAY 16th of JULY, 12 PM
USA / Los Angeles - infront of the Israeli consulate in LA. Saturday and Sunday, July 15 and 16, from 10am till 6pm.
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