"Isreal has the right to defend herself" Mr Bush said.
Mr. Bush, this is called organized terror. this is what you're sponsoring.
where are the protests?
where is human dignity?
"What the Israelis are doing right now is state sponsored terror.
They are no different than Hizbullah.
They are no different than the Assad regime" PR
ps. refer to jij's site ( for an excellent entry. our reality stripped naked.
Also: Fouad's Addendum
sharone tried to play the middle-east game in the past, the Assad game, Hama rules but failed. this is why this guy is worse than sharone. he learned.
The current Israeli government has a complex. They want to be like daddy Sharon and are trying so hard to emulate his every step.
The last time the world had leaders with complexes, they were called Napolean, Hitler, Kim Jong Il and now, Peretz and Olmert.
and that's why it's time for the arab world to stand up united, now more than ever, against this inhumane brutality.
huh! arabs, does that word still exist? think HA and the other arab psycho dictators/leaders are better? come on..that ship has sailed way too long ago!!
Rouba are you serious?
how can you say that...after all what's happened. the "Arabs" are nothing but cowards and good for nothing blabbers. when did they ever move to help your country?
Stand united with whom. Lebanese should stand united that's another thing... but with arabs... no thank you.
The Arab being united means, attacking israel from lebanon, syria, jordan, egypt and hey why not throw in missiles from Iran while you're at it.
Why is it that the dirty work is only done on Lebanese soil... Why is it that we are the only ones being hit. are we that strong to take on the world's problems on our own? We did and are doing MORE than our part of the deal... khalasna ba2a... ma ba2 fina net7ammal akel khara... y7ello 3an sama rabbna!
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ba3deyn ok.. united.. and then what? united to do what?
what is the plan after standing beign united...
that's it?
Muslims deserve what they started.
Their own government robs from them,and on and on.,
wlik waynneneh l3arab now???? did you hear any of them protest or scream justice!!!
iran warned against attacking syria, bass who stood by us????
no Anonymous, don't turn this into a religious thing. no one deserves what is happening in the world.
well put mononoke... it's true who's defending us?
Were is your protest when others around the world are dying from muslim terrorist? Were was your protest when the Israeli soldiers were killed and taken prisoner? You, are the cowared and the hippocrite.
mr. anonymous_
only a true coward and a hypocrite would write without signing their name.
anyway, if you read well, I said "NO ONE deserves what is happening in the world". That includes, Christians, muslims jews, buddhist and every other belief or religion. I am talking about people, human beings... not religions.
z, dont bother with anon, he/she is another one of those religious fanatics who are taking us all down
so anon, take your negative energy and spread it elsewhere, we have enough shit to carry here
I would have liked to see marches or demonstrations in arab capitals against what is happening in lebanon. none so far. i hope no one is expection their tomorrow's session to produce something..
of course not... they are going to smile for the camera, eat and drink, and even hope to get lucky.
Malginant Narcissism
Nero (Rome 64 AD)
Nasrallah (Beirut 2006)
i have nothing to say more than what jij expressed.
mitil ijron nin7iri' manerja3
i just yelled at my roommate who had guests and were laughing and kicked them out...
i know it's very childish to say of all things but i really want my mom right now
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laila delete this last comment
ma baddi l3alam tishmat feena
EVERYONE is making the wrong decisions now.
_z, I appreciate you. There is only one thing wrong with what you said: the people who are trying to get power out of this DO deserve to get this and more, but I'd wager that few of them would actually risk getting in harm's way.
I'd march in a protest against Israel's crime, but I don't want to stop there, I want to oppose the crimes of HA and everyone else who opposes freedom and intentionally initiates such situations in order to manipulate people, and nations into sacrificing their freedom and their lives so that they can gain power.
Let's face it HA knew what would happen, and they WANTED it to happen. They wanted innocent Labanese to die, they wanted Israel to attack, and, though their anger at it may be real, they are happy that things are playing out this way because it is helping them to get support for their cause (which is an excuse to gain power) and because it drives support from Israel.
None of these people want justice, they want power. They will use anything to get it: religion, racism, terrorism. Have they EVER shown any real compassion to any actual Palestinians? NO! In their sphere of power, Palestinians live under the veil of suspicion and are treated as less than human, never as free; but they are good enough to be an excuse to start a war.
wlek laila i wrote this long comment abt arabs and unity but it wouldn't take it (are u screening ur comments?? 3am emza7)
of course the "arabs" are a mockery but it would be nice if they stood by us, no?
anyway why don't we stop blaming and stand united against israel now, at least in our opinions? and now, whether we like it or not (u guys don't like it all from what i read) our only choice is to resist, alongside HA
it's true rouba
they got us into it but now we have to keep a united front.
HA might be inconvenient but israel is the ennemy
HA is inconvenient? If it weren't for them, Lebanese and Israeli civilians wouldn't dying right now and the skies would not be raining with rockets and missiles. Egomaniacal extremists like Nasrallah are the enemy. He knew exactly what he was doing, and knew exactly how Israel would respond. He is the man responsible for f*cking up our lives and our countries right now, and we are all falling directly into his trap by playing his game. He is probably sitting somewhere right now, rubbing his hands together as he cackles with glee over the nightmare he has created.
Those of you in Lebanon right now, I hope you and your loved ones are safe and remain so.
thank you she. i admire that you took the time to comment on this post. we might not all agree on why this is going on, but we all want peace and the chance to return to our countries. we are dealing with two very difficult organizations and each with a different flavors of terror. let's hope things will calm down soon.
anyway, what i wanted to say is that i wish that you and your family remain safe as well..
hizballa did not expect this reaction. they expected everything to be over within a couple of days like it always happens and then for the prisoner exchange to take place.
Nasrallah may be many things, but he isn't stupid. And, given the way that the Israeli government is currently carrying on in Gaza, even if Nasrallah wasn't certain as to what would happen, he must have, at the very least, expected that Israel would have a harsh reaction to the kidnapping of the two soldiers, the killing of the others, and the intial battery of katyushas they sent.
As far as a prisoner exchange taking place within a few days, I can't recall that ever happening after previous Hizbollah abductions. It usually drags out for years. Hizbollah had to know that there was going to be no easy way out of this, and that Israel wasn't just going to meekly accept what had happened. Now the big boys are playing their war games, and it is we the citizens on both sides who are paying the price with our lands, our homes and our lives.
Given the current mess in Gaza, believe me, the last thing that most Israeli citizens want or need now is a war with Lebanon. I hope that you and your loved ones are not in harm's way.
I am sorry for the extremely hard times that you are facing. However what I am not clear is why Lebanon is not doing what it could do to stop this from happenning. Let me elaborate, and please forgive me for my possible lack of knowledge. (I am from India and live in the US. I am colored by my experience where our neighbour, Pakistan, also disavows terrorists that attack our country, but yet does not stop them but rather encourages them cladestinely.)
My understanding is that HA is part of the Lebaneese government. If they are *doing* something that has provoked the retaliation, and the rest of Lebanon does not agree with what they are doing, then
why not stop them from what they are doing. Why blame Israel when part of your country is doing something to provoke it. I am sure if the rest of Lebanon makes a genuine effort to put a stop to what HA is doing then Israel would help you and not do what it is doing now.
In other words, the solution to the hard times that you are facing lies with you. Please stop (or atleast make an attempt to stop) HA from doing things that you don't agree with and that is bringing harm to you. A part of your country can not declare war on another country and when the other country attacks back, the rest of your country can not just blame the other country for fighting back.
I am sorry again for all that is happenning.
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