
my geddo. my nostalgia.
I remember it well: my brother and I, on the school bus early in the morning.
there he'd be, standing on the roadside, his hands full.
he stops the bus, stretches his arms through the open window, and hands us our little treats.
green almonds, janerek, apricots, blackberries. a smile.
for grandpa has a valley, right in the middle of our village. and every morning, for as long as i can remember, he heads there along with the sunrise. one by one, he plants, waters, mends, and picks.
my grandpa cherishes his land, his earth, and his family. with no money and no education, he slowly built a house, educated his children, and tought them to stand up for their principles and for their country.
and today, through his eyes, I realize that what Lebanon needs right now is leaders who are a bit more like him. leaders who love their land to death, and leaders who will take care of their valleys, every morning of every day, no matter how hard it is.
This is my geddo. This is my Lebanon.
It seems the older they get, the tougher they become. At least with mine.
very nice post!!
just thought you'd like to know it's been snowing all day in MTL...
first, kooshoo your geddo!
second, people like geddo are too good to go into politics
third, beautiful post
oh and fourth, are you living montreal time??
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allah ykhallilek yehon both.
very nice post laila
lebatron,mine is mellowing with age
zoom,glad i'm not there! are you snowboarding like crazy?
rouba, i know he's so cute! what i meant is that it would be nice for our leaders to have some of his qualities..and yes i have very weird sleeping hours
samer, you were a bad boy it seems?
thanks fouad and mirvat
laila, your jeddo seems soooo huggable. I love old people they give me peace.You see " Barake" in their faces.
I know I just posted a comment but look at his lovely healthy smile and the background with his mini truck and "Jazma" I don't know why it's making me sad, so homesick, and nostalgic. Enjoy your time with your jeddo take lots of pictures.Alla ytawil b 3omro.
hey why are you on your PC blogging? you should be outdoors doing stuff ;)
mar, i know what you mean by feeling nostalgic, and yes he's so huggable but he doesnt like hugs!
jij, it's been raining like crazy ever since i got here! so i decided to spend some time at home, and study for my defense (and strangely i find myself here) until it stops :(
Laila, you're studying in lebanon! (blasphemy)
gus, i know! it's still raining..i'm going crazy!!!
.....and dont forget the woman who stood by his side all through the ups and downs of life ..your Teita Nouhad !!
Welcome to Lebanon.
of course not, as soon as she consents on me taking her photo!
akkhhhhh...your gedo...and your words...gave me about love and happiness and family and to gedo!
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I miss my geddo... specially now, when lebanon is at war and geddo is down there. The sweet caring man who took us on rides across the sea side, bought us sweets and taught me how to drive. I love him. I love Lebanon. God save these men of Lebanon.
Bless you!
I guess that geddos in Egypt and Lebanon have the same pure hearts - I miss mine, too! Sonya
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