loved your ramblings in the provious post. the title of your post could have been the older name of your blog. me, myself, and my lebanon, it would have made a better effect. But then this is for you. It is not inteded for us. otherwise you would have allowed comments :)
Wlik shou? It seems that wholesale deleting readers' comments is now a preferred policy! Can't get you to stop! I'm so happy for you that you made this excellent decision!
well, questions aside, here's a song for your last post:
loved your ramblings in the provious post.
the title of your post could have been the older name of your blog.
me, myself, and my lebanon, it would have made a better effect. But then this is for you. It is not inteded for us. otherwise you would have allowed comments :)
improve your paintbrush talent. 7aram 3laykeh.
haha nice one!
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si tu veux dire la vérité,pourquoi attends tu qu'on te pose les mauvaises questions ?
kes kil ya oh jer dwi?
Wlik shou? It seems that wholesale deleting readers' comments is now a preferred policy! Can't get you to stop! I'm so happy for you that you made this excellent decision!
ibj, thank you :) i'm going to see him next saturday here in boston..
z, the post is way too freaky for comments!
hilal you'll pay for this!! i was actually somehow proud of myself! :)
thanks posh glad you get the logic!
(ignoring ghada and moving on..babyyyyyy you know me too well)
gamera, you see..i want to and i dont want to..something like that, i'm confused!
anton efendi (me gusta mucho mas), i have to agree, deleting spam is so much fun! i guess we do have one thing in common after all! :)
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