Tuesday, April 17, 2007

rest in peace


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really felt very sadden by this event, it was a horrific thing to hear and see that a human being would do something like this.

9:26 PM  
Blogger _z. said...

indeed, it is sick... i was very shocked when I read the news... we lost 2 Lebanese students there you know...

I have a dilemma... when things like that happen, you have to spread the word right? But I also think we shouldn't make a big deal out of it, because then sickos in need of attention, will be encouraged by all the media coverage that is around the event... so what to do?

besides forbid gun carrying? what can the media and the public do to put an end to this shit.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Dry Gin Martini said...

I don't know z, who do these things only happen in the USA?

4:08 PM  
Blogger Mia said...


9:34 AM  
Blogger anny said...

< The MSN-Zogby poll found that 59 percent of Americans do not believe stricter gun control policies would have prevented Cho Seung-Hui from killing 32 people ... The poll found that only 36 percent of those polled believe stronger gun control could have prevented the shootings.>

I really wonder how many more victimes it will take for those 59 precent to change their minds....
this is absurdly sick ...

9:15 PM  
Blogger Laila K said...

tell me about it.
i just had a conversation with a person who was deeply convinced that everyone should own guns. because even if the guns were illegal criminals will always have guns. where is the logic in that? please someone explain this to me.

all i hear so far from the media is stories about how great the victims were and how virginia is coping with this. fine. i respect that. but will someone try to address the source of the problem? why is a 23 year old kid, who has a psychiatric illness, allowed to buy several guns and huge amounts of ammunition? why?
why do 32 people have to die for absolutely no reason except a stupid moronic constitution that has no time to spare into fixing what really matters, because it is too busy 'spreading democracy' across the middle east??

10:14 PM  
Blogger anny said...

laila their logic stems from their media ...
the media in this freakin coutnry is a total disaster .... it is to be blamed for all the ignorance, absurdity, silliness etc in this society ..
wlik all what the news people (most of them ) care about nowadays is to call for the VT president to resign ..2al shoo he should have sent an email to warn the students during the 2 hour interval inbetween the shootings .... ya3nii if that poor guy did manage to send an email even after one hour and 59 minutes from the the first shooting, the 32 kids would have been spared ... leik malla maskharra ..

11:13 PM  
Blogger Dry Gin Martini said...

and in other news, LAILA I'M SOOOO HUNGOVER!!!!! I can't survive at work for 10 hours =/

9:16 AM  
Blogger Laila K said...

i cant get over your photo you psycho. i had one glass of wine and slept like a baby. you should try that from time to time! (ie decreasing amount of alcohol consumed per lonely evening)

11:46 AM  
Blogger Delirious said...

Sacred second amendment!
Wallaw ya Laila!
W ymouto el ness! W shoo fiya! El mouhimm no one is allowed to infringe "the right of the people to keep and bear arms."

L3ama what a joke~

12:42 PM  

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